Welcome to Waco Kendo Dojo
Welcome to the Waco Kendo Dojo web site. The Waco Kendo Dojo offers opportunities to people in the Waco area to practice Kendo, martial art of Japanese fencing. Kendo is a fun activity that promotes physical, mental, and cultural learning. This dojo is affiliated with the Southwest Kendo & Iaido Federation (SWKIF) and the All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF).

More About Waco Kendo Dojo
Waco Kendo Dojo works with the city of Waco and Doris Miller Community Center to offer opportunities to people in the Waco area to practice Kendo. Waco Kendo Dojo is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Kendo.
The head instructor is Hatakeyama sensei (7th dan, renshi). He started Kendo in Hokkaido, Japan at the age of 7. After coming to US, he trained under Shozo Kato sensei (8th dan, kyoshi) in Shidogakuin NY. Hatakeyama sensei is a former U.S. National Kendo Champion (2002 & 2008). He moved to Waco in 2009, and he has been teaching Kendo to Baylor University students. Now, through the Waco Kendo Dojo, he is hoping to open up opportunities to a wider Waco community.
Professionally, he is a professor of physics at Baylor University, and he specializes in experimental high energy physics. He works on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Switzerland.
His motto is 文武両道. He enjoys Kendo along with his academic pursuits in physics, and he encourages his students to balance Kendo with school or work obligations.

Kenichi Hatakeyama
7th dan, renshi

Khanh Nguyen
3rd dan